The Golden Age of Genome Editing
Published: April 23, 2020
Rebecca Corkill, PhD
Beccy is a senior custom content producer at IFLS. Before joining IFLS, she was a scientific content creator at Technology Networks, and the sister publication, Analytical Cannabis. She holds a PhD in biological sciences from the University of East Anglia.
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The structure, function and role of DNA were discovered one hundred years ago. Since then, significant advances in technology have revolutionized our understanding of DNA biology.
In honor of DNA day, this list presents some of the milestone events that have contributed to advancements in the field.
Download this list to uncover some milestone events of genome editing.
Meet the Author
Beccy is a senior custom content producer at IFLS. Before joining IFLS, she was a scientific content creator at Technology Networks, and the sister publication, Analytical Cannabis. She holds a PhD in biological sciences from the University of East Anglia.
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