Almac Wins Top Award at Tech Idol Showcase

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Almac Diagnostics’ Cancer DSA™ platform has won the award for the Best New Technology at the Tech Idol Showcase event held at the 2007 ‘Discovery 2 Diagnostics’ conference in Pennsylvania.
The Tech Idol Showcase competition features presentations of Diagnostics technologies and Almac’s DSA™ research tool was judged to be the best new technology this year. Cancer DSA™ research tools are novel microarrays developed to enable accelerated research in discovery, development and validation and ultimately to deliver clinical applications.
The Cancer DSA™ research tools are designed to work with both fresh frozen and paraffin embedded tissue, allowing application of this microarray technology to current clinical practice and retrospective tissue banks.
An independent panel of judges was assembled by IBC Conferences to evaluate the new technologies presented based on their functionality and application. Almac Diagnostics will now be invited to give a podium presentation during the 2008 ‘Discovery 2 Diagnostics’.
Professor Paul Harkin, President & Managing Director of Almac Diagnostics said: “Among other things, our work on microarrays will ensure an increasingly effective cancer research process. At Almac, we are committed to the delivery of superior solutions for the advancement of human health solutions and this award recognises our world-leading work in this field.”
Kevin Ellison, Almac Diagnostics Business Development Manager said: “We are extremely pleased to have won this award which recognises our Cancer DSA™ as the premier micorarray platform for cancer research. We look forward to presenting full details of our work on microarrays at the conference next year”