Ariadne Opens a European Sales and Support Office

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Ariadne Genomics has announced that it has opened an office in Europe to manage all sales and marketing activities, and to provide training and technical support to its European customers. Olivier Brun, previously CEO of Integromics, will be responsible for Ariadne operations in Europe, bringing 10years of experience in the biosoftware industry.
“We experience an ever increasing interest in our products in Europe, and this, together with the growing customer base, warrants opening an office that will provide direct sales, customer support, product demonstrations, and in-depth training”, said John Clouston, Senior Director of Sales at Ariadne.
“Today’s abundance of microarray data across the entire field of biomedical research created an urgent need for a tool to help retrieve biological meaning. The heat map is fine for comparative purposes but not for discovery of biological responses at the protein level”, commented Olivier Brun.
“Ariadne Pathway Studio is the one software that can help to interpret high throughput data in the context of pathways, gene regulation maps and signaling networks. That’s why selling this product is an exciting proposition," Brun added.