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A Valve-Controlled Microfluidic Sysytem for Rapid Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis content piece image

A Valve-Controlled Microfluidic Sysytem for Rapid Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis

Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins is achieved in 500 seconds in a microfluidic system fabricated from PDMS, in which the first dimension of micellar electrokinetic chromatography and the second dimension of capillary sieving electrophoresis are coupled. By installing valves at the intersection of two dimensions, the separations are performed sequentially without interference.
Small Volume Liquid Transfer Technology content piece image

Small Volume Liquid Transfer Technology

High reagent costs associated with molecular biology assays are driving trends toward continued volume reduction and parallelization of assays. Several robotic pipettors are available for small-volume, multi-well pipetting, but suffer from some disadvantages. We present two projects to address some of the drawbacks.
Polymer-Bound Fused N -(1-Chloroalkyl)Azinium Chlorides As Synthetic Equivalents Of Aldehydes.  content piece image

Polymer-Bound Fused N -(1-Chloroalkyl)Azinium Chlorides As Synthetic Equivalents Of Aldehydes.

A few years ago the first multi-component synthesis of N-(1 -haloalkyl) pyridinium halides from a thionyl halide, pyridine, and an aldehyde was described. Since that time, we have widely demonstrated that such salts can be considered as valuable synthetic equivalents of the starting aldehydes for the preparation of various classes of nitrogen heterocycles.
Assay Miniaturisation using Hummingbird and synQUAD Systems content piece image

Assay Miniaturisation using Hummingbird and synQUAD Systems

The data shown demonstrates that assay integrity is maintained when dispensing nanoliter volumes to 1536 well plates. Significant savings in reagent and assay costs can be realised from assay miniaturisation with the additional advantage of getting more assays and data from compound stocks before depletion.
A Flexible Solution for High Speed Sample Cherry-picking from Frozen Storage content piece image

A Flexible Solution for High Speed Sample Cherry-picking from Frozen Storage

The comPOUND® sample store (TTP LabTech) is a modular and flexible system that can be installed almost anywhere. This fully scaleable approach to compound storage also allows sample throughputs to increase with the library size to match process needs.
Automated Nanolitre Hit Automated Nanolitre Hit - Picking using a Mosquito® X1 Low Volume Pipettor content piece image

Automated Nanolitre Hit Automated Nanolitre Hit - Picking using a Mosquito® X1 Low Volume Pipettor

The mosquito® X1 offers precision sampling of any individual well in 48-, 96-, 384- or 1536-well plates. This enables researchers to quickly select small volumes of “hits” from primary screening plates and transfer them directly to the next screening stage without further dilution. mosquito® X1's disposable pipette tips guarantee zero cross-contamination.
High Throughput Screening of Biocompatible Polymers content piece image

High Throughput Screening of Biocompatible Polymers

The aim of this project was to develop high throughput screening methods using an IMSTAR Pathfinder™ High-content imaging platform to support the analyses of polymeric materials synthesised using a parallel approach. This was achieved by developing arrays of polymeric materials.
Cultures of Erythroid Precursors in the Screening of Gamma-Globin mRNA and Fetal Haemoglobin Inducers used for a new Approach in Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia Therapy content piece image

Cultures of Erythroid Precursors in the Screening of Gamma-Globin mRNA and Fetal Haemoglobin Inducers used for a new Approach in Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia Therapy

Our group studied several inducers of erythroid differentiation. In the present study we demonstrate that rapamycin induces an increase of HbFproduction in erythroid precursors. This compound is able to increase gammaglobin gene expression in stem cells from blood of normal subjects as well asbeta-thalassemia patients.
A Solution for Low Volume Pipetting Applications Requiring High Accuracy of Sample Placement content piece image

A Solution for Low Volume Pipetting Applications Requiring High Accuracy of Sample Placement

Mosquito’s unique positive displacement disposable tips and precise X, Y and Z movements allow smaller drops with accurate and repeatable volumes to be positioned very precisely. This ability is essential for successful assay miniaturisation and the set-up of more effective serial dilutions or protein crystallography screens.
Facilitating Low Volume Protein Crystallography Set-ups Using the Mosquito® Liquid Handler content piece image

Facilitating Low Volume Protein Crystallography Set-ups Using the Mosquito® Liquid Handler

The mosquito® (TTP LabTech) offers fast positive displacement pipettingfor accurate and reproducible aspiration and dispensing throughout the 50 nL-1.2 µL range, producing CVs of <8% at 50 nLirrespective of viscosity. Mosquito’s micropipettes are also disposable, thus guaranteeing zero cross-contamination where required.