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Identification of Genomic and Proteomic Signatures in Lymphomas by Inducible shRNA
The combination of RNA interference with gene expression profiling and proteomic analysis represent a powerful tool to characterize the signaling network mediating tumorigenesis and maintenance of ALK positive lymphomas and to individuate suitable targets for a therapeutic intervention.
High-Quality Protein Crystallization in Space
JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has developed and established ultra-high quality protein crystallization technology using microgravity environments. High-quality protein crystals were grown based on technical improvements. Growing high-quality protein crystals in space can help better understand 3-dimensional protein structure.
High-Throughput and High-Yield Purification of Recombinant Proteins Expressed in Escherichia coli.
We have developed a high throughput expression of recombinant proteins containing hexahistidine affinity tag in Escherichia coli followed by one step affinity purification of proteins on Ni2+ agarose beads.
Characterization of Spray-Dried Lactose Using StepScan DSC and Temperature XRPD
With StepScan DSC, heating (10ºC/min or 5ºC/min) is applied over small temperature increments (1ºC - 2ºC) after which the temperature is held for a short time interval (30 s - 60 s) allowing the heat flow to equilibrate.
Automated Profiling and Identification of Endogenous Peptidomic Markers in Human Plasma
Development of robust methods that include the accurate identification of the relevant components of the peptidome is critical not only to our understanding of the biology of disease states, but also to our ability to discover markers for these states.
New Proteomic Subfractionation Surfaces – Innovative Technology for the Improved Resolution of Serum Proteins
The data presented herein demonstrate the unique profiling capabilities of each ProFACT™ surface library subfraction and the collective resolution of 69 non-redundant proteins, calibrated and quantified from image analysis of SDS-PAGE profiles.
Rapid Solution Exchange and Ligand-Gated Channel Studies on the PatchXpress 7000A Automated Patch Clamp System
The PatchXpress® 7000A patch clamp system is an automated electrophysiology workstation that allows users to increase throughput of research quality recordings and to measure ion channel activity from nearly any channel type.
GeneGlobe — The World's Largest Database of Matching siRNA and RT-PCR Assays
GeneGlobe is an easy-to-use, comprehensive Web portal that allows you to find information about, search for, and order high-quality products for human, mouse, and rat genes.
siRNA Design Including Secondary Structure Target Site Prediction
Preliminary data underlines the correlation between the siRNA knockdown efficiency and the local free energy of the mRNA target site. There is a strong evidence that considering the mRNA secondary structure within the siRNA design algorithm will lead to more efficient siRNAs.
KingFisher - A Multifunctional Tool for Proteomics
In the proteomics area with the increasing capacity of the mass spectrometers, sample preparation is becoming a limiting step for protein identification. Magnetic particle based technology provides a rapid and easy solution for automation of the sample preparation step.