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An Innovative Solution To Remove Monoclonal Antibody Aggregates

Credit: iStock

Over the past few decades, advancements in the design of engineered antibodies have greatly improved therapeutic outcomes for a range of diseases. 

However, increasingly complex structures often lead to higher levels of aggregation and impurities, requiring sophisticated purification techniques to ensure the safety and efficacy of these therapeutic agents. 

This poster details a resin-based approach employing immobilized caprylic acid, to effectively eliminate high aggregate levels along with host cell protein residues, for enhanced monoclonal antibody purification. 

Download this poster to discover:

  • How to significantly improve your antibody purification processes  
  • An effective approach for removing high levels of aggregation and impurities 
  • Optimized efficiency and economic viability for both existing and emerging therapeutic modalities
Download this Poster for FREE Below
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