Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has emerged as a promising strategy for early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of cancer progression.
However, it’s extremely challenging to reliably capture and convert all the fragmented DNA, especially when present at low concentrations within biological samples.
This poster describes an optimized target enrichment protocol designed to enhance the capture and conversion of fragmented cfDNA for reliable NGS.
Download this poster to discover how to:
- Improve the reliability and sensitivity of cfDNA analysis for cancer research
- Achieve low variant detection thresholds and high variant calling confidence
- Maximize duplex, on-target molecule conversion for accurate cancer detection and monitoring
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) of cell-free DNA (cfDNA)
has emerged as a promising strategy for early detection,
diagnosis, and monitoring of cancer progression. In this
process, cfDNA is extracted from a patient’s blood and
undergoes library preparation prior to NGS. The challenge with
cfDNA library preparation is reliably capturing and converting all
the fragmented DNA, especially when present in low
concentrations within biological samples. Attaining low variant
detection thresholds and variant calling confidence demands
high-performance NGS libraries and targeted sequencing
Presented here is a workflow leveraging the Twist cfDNA Library
Preparation Kit and an optimized target enrichment protocol to
maximize the conversion of duplex, on-target, sequenceable
sample molecules. It is demonstrated that by increasing target
coverage we can increase detection sensitivity at low variant
allele frequencies (VAF). In addition, this workflow improves
detection of duplex-molecule families relative to comparable
workflows due to more efficient four-point ligation and newly
optimized target enrichment. It is also demonstrated that
achieving improvements in complexity does not necessitate
compromising data fidelity by introducing artifacts or losing
uniformity. This improved conversion and sensitivity is
applicable to as low as 1ng input samples with both native
cfDNA and synthetic cfDNA control.
Figure 1. Workflow for Twist cfDNA Library Preparation Kit.
With fragmented or cfDNA input, a single end-repair and dA-tailing step converts
input DNA into blunt-ended substrates with dA-tails ready for ligation of adaptors
with T-overhang. A ligation mastermix is then added on top of the original
reaction without the need for purification to attach Twist Unique Molecular
Identifier (UMI) adaptors onto the DNA fragments via T/A junction ligation. In the
final step, PCR with Twist Unique Dual Index (UDI) primers incorporates sample
index sequences for sequencing on Illumina platforms.
Straightforward cfDNA Workflow
P21.044: Optimized Library Preparation Kit and Workflow for Improving cfDNA
Sequencing Sensitivity
Sean Tighe, Owen Smith, Tong Liu, Tiffany Truong, Tina Han*, Elian Lee, Ramsey Zeitoun, Siyuan Chen
Target Enrichment Mass Input and Sequencing Characterization
Twist Bioscience, South San Francisco, California, USA *presenting author
• Mean Target Coverage is influenced by mass input of both library prep and target enrichment
Figure 5. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit UMI and duplex-UMI performance with varying Target Enrichment input mass.
NGS Libraries were made from 1ng, 5ng, 15ng and 30ng of Twist Pan-Cancer Reference Standards v1 (0.5% VAF) input with Twist cfDNA
Library Prep Kit in replicates with respective recommended PCR cycles and extra PCR cycles to hit high target enrichment mass input
yields (i.e. 2400 ng). Libraries were single-plex captured with a 48kb oncology panel targeting variant sites in the cfDNA standards with
updated TE. Captured libraries were pooled and sequenced 2x74 cycles paired end with at least 80,000x coverage on a Nextseq 2000
(Illumina). Mean Target Coverage is reported from Picard hybrid selection with fgbio CallMolecularConsensusRead using various --minreads arguments (i.e. 1-0-0 and 2-1-1).
Table 1. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit UMI and duplex-UMI target coverage with varying Target Enrichment input
mass. Fastqs from post NGS capture with the 48kb oncology panel were downsampled to 80,000x and analyzed. Relationship of Mean
Target Coverage corresponding to each cfDNA mass, UMI-filter and capture mass is reported.
• A titration of stringent
UMI-duplex filtering
highlights a trade-off
accuracy between and
sensitivity within available
sequencing means
• Sequencing depth to achieve desired Mean
Target Coverage is characterized
Figure 6. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit UMI and
duplex-UMI performance with varying sequencing depth. Libraries
were made from 1ng, 5ng, 15ng and 30ng of Twist Pan-Cancer
Reference Standards v1 (0.5% VAF) input with Twist cfDNA Library
Prep Kit in replicates with 8 cycles of PCR. Libraries were single-plex
captured with a 48kb oncology panel targeting variant sites in the
cfDNA standards with updated TE workflow. Captured libraries were
pooled and sequenced 2x74 cycles paired end with at least 160,000x
coverage on a Nextseq 2000 (Illumina). Mean Target Coverage is
reported from Picard hybrid selection with fgbio
CallMolecularConsensusRead using various --min-reads arguments
(i.e. 1-0-0, 2-0-0, 2-1-1, 3-1-1, etc. ).
Table 2. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit UMI and
duplex-UMI target coverage with varying sequencing depth.
Fastqs from capture with the 48kb oncology panel were downsampled
to various sequencing depth (X1000) in reference to panel size and
analyzed. Relationship of Mean Target Coverage corresponding to
each cfDNA mass, UMI-filter and sequencing depth is reported.
High Conversion for UMI
and Duplex-UMI Sequencing
• Superior conversion over existing commercial library preparation
kits enables more molecules to be sequenced for deeper analysis.
• Higher conversion translates to greater sensitivity and lesser low
frequency variants missed in variant calling with both UMI collapse
(1-0-0) and Duplex UMI collapse (2-1-1).
Figure 2. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit delivers higher library
complexity for UMI and Duplex-UMI workflows. NGS libraries were made
from 15ng of Twist Pan-Cancer Reference Standards v2 (0.25% VAF) input
with various cfDNA kits from vendors in replicates following manufacturer’s
instructions with 8 cycles of PCR. Libraries were single-plex captured with a
48kb oncology panel targeting variant sites in the cfDNA standards with (Std
Hyb V2) or (cfDNA Hyb) TE workflows. Captured libraries were pooled and
sequenced 2x74 cycles paired end with at least 80,000x coverage on a
Nextseq 500 (Illumina). Picard alignment metrics are reported following UMI
collapse with fgbio tool (Fulcrum Genomics). UMI deduplication was performed
with fgbio CallMolecularConsensusRead using various --min-reads arguments
(i.e. 1-0-0 and 2-1-1).
Figure 3. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit improves sensitivity
and detection of low variant allele frequencies (VAF). Data from capture
with the 48kb oncology panel targeting the verified mutations in the Twist PanCancer Reference Standards v2 (0.25% VAF) were used. Variants were
identified from post umi-collapse (1-0-0/2-1-1) bams via samtools mpileup
targeting variant sites for verified SNPs. Variants missed are reported if less
than 1 family of alternative allele was identified.
Reduced Bias and Artifacts
• Improved performance over existing commercial kits comes
with no trade-off to data fidelity.
• High conversion maintains uniformity and low chimeric artifacts.
Figure 4. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit yields high uniformity
with minimal artifacts. Data from capture with the 48kb oncology panel
targeting the verified mutations in the Twist Pan-Cancer Reference Standards
v2 (0.25% VAF) were used. Picard hybrid selection and alignment metrics are
reported following UMI collapse with fgbio using 1-0-0 filter.
Native cfDNA Concordance
• Twist cfDNA control performance is replicated with native cfDNA
• Improved conversion in native cfDNA samples is demonstrated
down to 1ng input
Figure 7. Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Hyb Mix Kit delivers
higher Library Complexity for UMI and Duplex-UMI workflows
replicated with real native cfDNA samples. Libraries were made
from 1ng or 15ng of donor cfDNA samples extracted from plasma
with various cfDNA kits from vendors in replicates following
manufacturer’s instructions with 8 cycles of PCR. Libraries were
single-plex captured with a 48kb oncology panel targeting variant
sites in the cfDNA standards with present or updated TE
recommendations. Libraries captured were pooled and sequenced
2x74 cycles paired end with at least 80,000x coverage on a
Nextseq 500 (Illumina). Picard alignment metrics are reported
following UMI collapse with fgbio. UMI deduplication was performed
with fgbio CallMolecularConsensusRead using various --min-reads
arguments (i.e. 1-0-0 and 2-1-1).
The Twist cfDNA Library Prep and Target Enrichment Workflow of
1ng to 30ng showcases strong performance particularly with
accurate variant calling and high mean target coverage with and
without UMI deduplication. In order to get the most out of this kit,
careful consideration is necessary when weighing variables such as
library preparation input mass, target enrichment input mass,
desired sensitivity at target VAF, and available sequencing
resources. The characterizations above should serve as a guide in
achieving reliable and expected performance.
Conflict of Interest Statement
All authors are employees and shareholders of Twist Bioscience.
Twist Bioscience and the Twist logo are trademarks of Twist
Bioscience Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.