Product News
KINAXO Launches Enhanced KinaTor™ Cellular Profiling Service
The KinaTor™ chemical proteomics platform is tailored for the cellular profiling of kinase inhibitors.
Product News
Invitrogen and HUPO Announce new Standard for Mass Spectrometry
Invitrogen and HUPO launch the HUPO Gold Mass Spectrometry Protein Standard - all-recombinant human protein standard for mass spectrometry.
Product News
CLC bio Solves Bioinformatics Data Management Challenges with Release of Database Solution
The solution enables users of CLC bio's DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analysis software to store and work on their sequence data in a central and secure relational database.
Product News
BioFocus DPI Launches GPCR SARfari
GPCR SARfari combines chemical and biological GPCR data from both internal and public sources into a single, dynamic system.
Product News
deCODE Launches deCODE MI™ - A Test for a Major Genetic Risk Factor for Early-onset Heart Attack
The deCODE MI™ is a reference laboratory test for variations in the genome that the company has associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction.
Product News
Promega Releases Next Generation Maxwell® 16 System for Automated Purification
According to Company, the Maxwell 16 purifies 16 samples of DNA, RNA or recombinant protein in 30-45 minutes.
Product News
Leica Microsystems Presents Imaging Solution for Scientific Research Leica DMI3000 B
Leica has released the new generation Leica DMI3000 B inverted microscope, specifically designed for live cell research applications.
Product News
HT280T - The Triple Function Autosampler
Labhut has designed the autosampler to perform static headspace analysis, liquid sample injection and solid phase microextraction.
Product News
Waters Corporation Brings High Definition to Proteomics at HUPO 2007
Company showcases Synapt High Definition MS and IdentityE High Definition Proteomics Systems.
Product News
AnaSpec Launches new SensoLyte™ Caspase-8 Assay Kit
The SensoLyte™ Homogeneous AFC Caspase-8 Assay Kit uses Ac-IETD-AFC as the fluorogenic indicator to measure caspase-8 activity.