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Zeno SWATH Data Independent Acquisition (DIA)
Dive deeper into the biomarker landscape with Zeno SWATH Data Independent Acquisition (DIA)
SWATH DIA (data independent acquisition) has emerged as an LC-MS/MS workflow that capitalizes on the speed and sensitivity gains that have been achieved with modern mass spectrometers. SWATH DIA can provide identification of vast numbers of proteins, peptides and metabolites in a more reproducible manner than conventional data-dependent acquisition (DDA) methods. With SWATH DIA, high-quality, high-resolution MS/MS data not only provide identification but are also the secret behind highly accurate and precise quantification.
Now, Zeno SWATH DIA marks a significant step-change in data independent acquisition delivering a high depth of coverage, particularly on low abundance species, quickly and robustly.
Exclusively on the ZenoTOF 7600 system from SCIEX, the Zeno trap technology has expanded the reach of assays for many applications through sensitivity gains provided through MS/MS duty cycle enhancements.
With the Zeno trap, nearly >90% duty cycles are now achievable for all ions regardless of mass, charge, or LC flow rate. This provides sensitivity gains of 4- to 20-fold without compromising other important performance specifications such as resolution, mass accuracy, dynamic range and speed.
The Zeno SWATH DIA workflow now capitalizes on these gains to enable truly widespread and comprehensive analyte coverage at new depths of detection and higher throughput. With Zeno SWATH DIA, higher sensitivity reveals more lower-level analytes, enables faster and more robust chromatography and the luxury of using much lower sample amounts.
Uncover the depth of the proteome
SWATH DIA has become the method of choice for large-scale proteomics and other studies. The sensitivity gains that Zeno SWATH DIA provides broaden the application space to include routinely performing these studies using microflow, and even high-flow, chromatography for more robust and rapid analyses.
Higher sensitivity also translates to higher quality data for lower levels of analyte. Nanoflow chromatography Zeno SWATH DIA provides reproducible qualitative and quantitative data at sample levels approaching single-cell analysis. With single-cell analysis, discrete cellular states and events can be separated from bulk proteomic discoveries, resulting in a better understanding of cellular heterogeneity. Accurate and reproducible quantification at these levels is crucial, but it is often more difficult or labor-intensive to obtain these abundance measurements from profiling data or labeling techniques. Zeno SWATH DIA quantification using MS/MS data circumvents many problems by providing higher intensity spectra and high MS/MS scan rates with a wide dynamic range.
Maximal information from each precious sample
Zeno SWATH DIA combines the sensitivity of the Zeno trap with the reproducibility and precision of SWATH DIA to deliver unprecedented levels of analyte identification and quantification. The 6-10x sensitivity gains in MS/MS mode that the Zeno trap provides through duty cycle improvements deliver up to 3x more identified proteins, and ~3-6x more quantified, at loads less than 20 ng. This leads to a more comprehensive understanding of underlying biological changes.
• Identify and quantify up to 2x as many proteins as with traditional SWATH DIA approaches
• Shorten runtimes to as little as 5 minutes with minimal compromise in proteome coverage
• Reduce sample size to a tenth or twentieth with low loads of 10 ng