IBM is a community of scientists, engineers and designers creating the next advances in computing technology. Their mission has always been to invent what’s next in computing.
Latest IBM Content

Scientists Transform Everyday Materials Into Conductors for Quantum Computers
Researchers describe the discovery of a new method that transforms everyday materials like glass into materials scientists can use to make quantum computers.

Using AI To Understand the Language of Molecules
This AI system only needs a small amount of data to predict molecular properties, which could speed up drug discovery and material development.

Alzheimer's App Detects Disease Using Speech Data
Researchers have developed a self-administered mobile application that analyzes speech data as an automatic screening tool for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease.

Four Red Flags for Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Identified
Recognizing signs and symptoms earlier could reduce diagnostic delays, improve survival.

Drawing Conclusions About Dementia Could Be Simplified by Sketches
Drawing tasks could improve classification of Alzheimer's disease during screening, enabling earlier diagnosis.

Industry Insight
20 Years On: The Evolution of HPC
This article takes a look at the incredible transformation high performance computing has experience over the past few years.

Quantum Computing Needs a Balance of Order and Disorder
Intentionally introduced disorder is a crucial part of quantum computing, and a recent study has shown some cutting-edge quantum computers are very close to chaotic meltdown owing to an imbalance in order and disorder.

Low-Energy Device Lights Up Artificial Neuronal Networks
Scientists have used a nano-scale device, named an “optomemristor”, to interact with and emulate multi-factor biological computations of the mammalian brain.

Honey: A Sweet Solution for Brain-Like Computer Chips
Researchers have shown that honey can be used to make a component similar to a transistor that can not only process but also store data in memory.

Solving AI Pizza-Making Challenges
A new two-stage learning system could enable robots to learn abstract ideas about how and when to execute a skill during a task, like using a rolling pin while making pizza.