Refeyn pioneers analytical instruments that put molecular mass measurement capabilities within easy reach for scientists. Refeyn’s unique products measure the mass of individual proteins, nucleic acids, complexes and viruses directly in solution – providing vital insights for scientific discovery, research and development and therapeutics production.
Latest Refeyn Content
Enhancing the Development of AAV-Based Therapeutics With Mass Photometry
A major challenge when developing AAV-based therapeutics is ensuring that empty AAVs that lack therapeutic DNA are removed, increasing the efficacy of the product.
Product News
Refeyn Announces Appointment of Fiona Coats as Chief Marketing Officer
Refeyn, is delighted to announce the appointment of Fiona Coats as Chief Marketing Officer, effective from June, 2024.
App Note / Case Study
Advancing Monoclonal Antibody Stability Studies With Mass Photometry
Mass photometry is an innovative biophysical analysis tool used to study the native behavior of biomolecules with minimal sample preparation.
Advancing mAb Stability Studies With Mass Photometry
In this webinar, you’ll discover how mass photometry can be used for forced antibody degradation assessment, a crucial aspect of research and development for recombinant mAb therapeutics.
Product News
Refeyn Launches KaritroMP for Rapid and Reproducible Characterization of Large Viral Vectors
New macro mass photometer can assess the stability, quality, and purity of adenovirus and lentivirus vectors in just minutes.
Product News
Refeyn® Expands the Analytical Possibilities for High Concentration Samples by MassFluidix® HC
Refeyn®, has unveiled its latest innovation, the MassFluidix® High Concentration (HC) microfluidic system, which extends the analytical strength of mass photometry to high-concentration protein samples.
Product News
Refeyn Launches SamuxMP Auto for Automated AAV Capsid Analysis
Refeyn has announced the launch of its new SamuxMP Auto mass photometer, which reduces manual operation time while increasing reproducibility in adeno-associated virus characterization.
Product News
Refeyn’s New SamuxMP Mass Photometer Promises to Significantly Improve AAV Workflows
Refeyn has announced the launch of its new SamuxMP mass photometer, which dramatically improves the time and cost efficiency of adeno-associated-virus (AAV) characterization.