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Air Analysis – News and Features

A person in pink gloves holds a spay bottle of cleaner.

Activity in a Room Stirs Up Nanoparticles Left by Consumer Sprays

Common household products containing nanoparticles could be contributing to a new form of indoor air pollution, as activity in a room stirs up the nanoparticles and projects them into the breathing zone.
A pair of clasped, wrinkled hands in a person's lap.

Older Adults in Ohio Among Most Vulnerable to Extreme Weather

Nearly 1 in 5 older adults in central Ohio report not being prepared for emergencies, such as extreme weather events, making them among the most vulnerable.
A fly on a leaf.

Ozone Can Confuse Flies, Causing Them To Mate With Other Species

A recent study shows how high ozone levels can destroy the sex pheromones of fruit fly species, changing the natural mating boundaries and causing flies of different species to mate.
Someone having a brain scan.

Aging-Related Risk Factors for Dementia Revealed in Study

Researchers have used data from UK Biobank participants to reveal that diabetes, traffic-related air pollution and alcohol intake are the most harmful out of 15 modifiable risk factors for dementia.
A forest canopy below a blue sky.

Forests Can Trap Airborne Plastics

A research group has found that airborne microplastics adsorb to the epicuticular wax on the surface of forest canopy leaves and that forests may act as terrestrial sinks for airborne microplastics.
Schematics of the process: from waste to self-cleaning paint.

Self-Cleaning Wall Paint Breaks Down Air Pollutants When Exposed to Sunlight

A breakthrough in catalysis research leads to a new wall paint that cleans itself when exposed to sunlight and chemically breaks down air pollutants.
A glass being filled with tap water.

Testing London’s Water for PFAS

This World Water Day, we hear from a project testing London's tap water for forever chemicals.
Trees by a highway.

Trees, Bushes Near Highways Can Significantly Reduce Air Pollution

Trees and bushes planted near highways do more than improve the scenery. A new Georgia State University study finds they significantly reduce air pollution caused by motor vehicles, which has been linked to a host of illnesses.
Waves in the ocean.

Sea Surface Temperatures Show Evidence of Human “Fingerprint” on Climate Change

New oceanic research provides clear evidence of a human “fingerprint” on climate change and shows that specific signals from human activities have altered the seasonal cycle amplitude of sea surface temperatures.
A rusty car brake.

Vehicle Brakes Produce Charged Particles That May Harm Public Health, Study Finds

In a new study, Irvine researchers show how most of these particles emitted during light braking carry an electric charge – something that could potentially be exploited to help reduce air pollution from vehicles.