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Behavioral Neuroscience – News and Features


Affymetrix Technology Selected for World's Most Comprehensive Genetic Study on Autism

Autism Consortium will use single GeneChip® Human Mapping 500K Array to help identify genetic causes across 3,700 samples.

NHGRI Announces Latest Sequencing Targets

Comparing the genomes of other species to humans is a tool to help researchers understand the working parts of the human genome.

Physicians Strongly in Favor of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Overwhelming majority support increased federal funding.

UCLA Study Finds Same Genes act Differently in Males and Females

Discovery may explain gender gap in disease risk, drug response.

Neurons Grown From Embryonic Stem Cells Restore Function in Paralyzed Rats

The study provides a 'recipe' for using stem cells to reconnect the nervous system.

Gene Interaction Raises Autism Risk in Blacks and Whites

The finding will be critical to developing treatments for both African Americans and Caucasians.

Bristol-Myers Extends Neuroscience Alliance With Lexicon

Bristol-Myers has worked with Lexicon on medicinal chemistry, preclinical research and development of drugs addressing neuroscience targets.

$22 Million Adult Stem Cell Centre to be Established at Griffith

The new centre will develop collaborative links with leading adult stem cell researchers.

Genes and Environment Interact to Promote Cancer

Researchers say select chemicals may damage or "mutate" genes at any given time in the lifespan, contributing to a host of human diseases.

Gene Influences Antidepressant Response

Researchers discover depressed patients will respond to an antidepressant depends on which version of a gene they inherit.