Behavioral Neuroscience – News and Features

Genes and Environment Interact to Promote Cancer
Researchers say select chemicals may damage or "mutate" genes at any given time in the lifespan, contributing to a host of human diseases.

Gene Influences Antidepressant Response
Researchers discover depressed patients will respond to an antidepressant depends on which version of a gene they inherit.

Biofusion Launches Genophrenix Second Spin-out Company
Genophrenix has been formed to capitalise on the discovery of specific proteins.

Scientists Find Male Gene in Brain Area Targeted by Parkinson's
British researchers identified variations in SRY gene levels may be linked to the onset of Parkinson's.

Chemical Sensors to Sniff out Diseases in Human Breath
Researchers are developing a Breathalyzer-type device to recognize biomarkers for certain diseases.

Two NIH Initiatives Launched to Determine Cause of Common Diseases
President’s FY07 budget calls for $40 million a year boost for multi-year effort.

Clinical Data Initiates Phase III Trial for Antidepressant 'Vilazodone'
The outcome of this trial would serve as one of two pivotal trials required for a new drug application.

Clinical Data Announces Reorganization to Emphasize Core Pharmacogenomics Business
The Company reorganizes into two operating divisions - Clinical Data Molecular and Vital Diagnostics.

Utah Researchers Confirm Chromosome may Harbor Autism Gene
Researchers have ruled out one gene that appeared to be a good candidate for being linked to autism.

Researcher Discovers Antidepressant Protein in Mouse Brain
Researchers found that p11 appears to help regulate signaling of the brain messenger chemical serotonin.