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Future Foods – News and Features

Fish fingers without the fishing. Credit: BLUU Seafood.

Cultured Fish Could Be the Answer to Overfishing, if Seafood Lovers Can Get Hooked on It

Start-ups around the world are now making seafood without the sea. Technology Networks spoke to some of them to learn how, why and where might first start selling bioreactor-brewed fish fingers.
Burger in a fatty pan.

Find Fake Meat Flavorless? Cultivated Animal Fat is Here To Make Plant-Based Burgers Taste Like the Real Thing

Technology Networks spoke to Max Jamilly, co-founder of Hoxton Farms, to hear how the company plans to fatten up the plant-based "meat" market.
A woman enjoying a bite of food.

Researchers Take a Closer Look at an Indonesian Staple Food

While people from many cultures have long eaten foods transformed by fungi — grain turned into alcohol by yeast, milk curds turned into blue cheese by Penicillium mold, soy sauce and miso produced from soybeans by koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae) — oncom is unique in being produced from waste food. Developed by native Javans long ago, it appears to be the only human food fermented solely by Neurospora mold. But not for long.
Four types of cooked insects rest on a rectangle plate with two wooden chopsticks.

Insects March Forward in Food and Feed

This article explores how edible insects are being developed to address future food demands, focusing on safety, sustainability and the steps being taken to make these sources more acceptable to consumers.
Three gulls eating chips.

Urban Seagulls Still Prefer Seafood

Although known for the penchant for thrown-away junk food, urban seagulls still prefer their own natural diet of raw fish, according to new research.
Crops under sunshine.

Archaeologists Find Earliest Evidence of Crop Farming in East Africa

A trove of ancient plant remains excavated in Kenya helps explain the history of plant farming in equatorial eastern Africa.
Aphids on the test field.

Weeds Help Beneficial Bugs Control Pests

Leaving some weeds between crops can help to combat pests on agricultural land. This step has particularly positive effects in combination with other measures: the cultivation of different types of crops and planting strips of wildflowers.
A burger in a pan.

Is Plant-Based “Fake” Meat Good for Your Health?

Are fake meats the healthy, greener alternative to the fatty flesh of cows and pigs? Or are they just another counterfeit component of the West’s new detrimental diet? Technology Networks asked the experts to find out.
Asymmetric supercapacitors.

Scientists Convert Chicken Fat Into Energy Storage Devices

The global move toward more sustainable, green energy has increased power reserves and the demand for energy storage devices. Unfortunately, some materials for these devices can be expensive and environmentally problematic.
A red squirrel climbs a tree.

Trauma Cuts Life Short for Squirrels

Early-life struggles and trauma can affect the long-term survival of red squirrels, but a food boom in their second year of life can extend lifespan.