Gas Chromatography – Multimedia

Comparing Additives and Other Extractables From Primary and After-Market Cell Phone Cases by High Resolution Gas Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
High resolution GC-TOFMS on the Pegasus GC-HRT allowed for quick and easy non-targeted screening of extractables from a common consumer product: the ubiquitous cell phone case. Most components could be identified with high similarity scores against commercial libraries. However, even when faced with low similarity scores against commercial libraries, such as in the case of Biphenol AF, the ability to rely on high mass accuracy allowed for confident identification of components.

Utilization of Hydrogen Carrier Gas on a High Resolution GC-TOFMS System: An Application Compendium
GC-HRT methods utilizing hydrogen carrier gas were developed for analysis of representative specialty chemical, forensic, and metabolomic markets.

Smart Sampling as a fully automated workflow for liquid injection and headspace GC and GC/MS
• To demonstrate a fully automated workflow for both liquid injection and headspace for GC and GC/MS.
• Automatically optimize analysis conditions and derivatization parameters.
• Automate standard preparation and derivatization procedures.
• Reduce analysts time involved in the analysis.
• Compare manual versus automated preparation of standards.
• Automatically optimize analysis conditions and derivatization parameters.
• Automate standard preparation and derivatization procedures.
• Reduce analysts time involved in the analysis.
• Compare manual versus automated preparation of standards.

Gas Chromatography with Time-of=Flight Mass Spectrometry for Aroma Profiling
This poster has demonstrated GC-TOFMS instrumentation applied to characterize beer-related samples. The ability to isolate and identify individual analytes through chromatographic resolution, mathematical deconvolution, and mass spectral searching to library standards provides good insight to various stages of production.

Analyzing the GCMS amenable compounds in water matrices according to the European Water Framework directive ( 2013/39/EU)
Purpose: An overview of the results of GC amenable compounds is given for EU 2013/39/EU
Methods: For the volatile compounds headspace GCMS was used; for the semivolatiles liquid liquid
extraction was applied followed by GCMSMS detection.
Results: The detection limits are calculated by standard deviation and there are some linearity examples. Not all compounds are listed in this poster, but a full list is available.
Methods: For the volatile compounds headspace GCMS was used; for the semivolatiles liquid liquid
extraction was applied followed by GCMSMS detection.
Results: The detection limits are calculated by standard deviation and there are some linearity examples. Not all compounds are listed in this poster, but a full list is available.

An Innovative Injector Allows Helium Carrier Gas Conservation in Analytical Gas Chromatography
We introduce a new, innovative injector which allows conservation of helium carrier gas. While preserving the analytical GC column flow with helium, it maintains the septum purge and the split flows with another inert gas like nitrogen - even during the analytical run. The analytical performances of the injector are in line with those of the common split/splitless injector module

Automated, Rapid And Reliable Determination Of Dissolved Gases In Water By Static Headspace – Gas Chromatography
Purpose: Exploring the possibility to perform a quantitative determination of dissolved gases in water in a reliable and accurate way. Methods: The quantification of dissolved gases is performed by building a calibration curve spiking blank water samples with increasing quantities of saturated water followed by headspace sampling and GC/ FID analysis. Results: The results show good correlation factors and limit of quantification lower than 10ppb for the four gas analyzed.

Determination of Veterinary Drug Residues in Milk by GC/MS and GC/ECD
Purpose: Develop a rapid, sensitive method for determining amitraz and its metabolites in milk.
Methods: Samples were hydrolyzed in acidic condition and extracted with hexane. After derivativation, the samples were analyzed by GC-ECD or directly by GC-MS.
Results: The results show that GC-MS determination of amitraz and its metabolites is rapid and sensitive.
Methods: Samples were hydrolyzed in acidic condition and extracted with hexane. After derivativation, the samples were analyzed by GC-ECD or directly by GC-MS.
Results: The results show that GC-MS determination of amitraz and its metabolites is rapid and sensitive.

Exploring The Benefits Of Automated Unattended Sample Derivatization Prior To Gas Chromatography Analysis
Purpose: Exploring the possibility to perform the sample preparation steps necessary for the derivatization of analytes in a fully automated and reliable way by means of the same robotic sampler used for sample injection into the gas chromatograph.
Methods: As an example of application we screened dairy products for melamine and its derivates presence via GC-MS/MS.
Results: The outcome are good and precise results that show how it is possible to reliably automate sample preparation opera
Methods: As an example of application we screened dairy products for melamine and its derivates presence via GC-MS/MS.
Results: The outcome are good and precise results that show how it is possible to reliably automate sample preparation opera

GC-MS/MS Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Green Tea Extracted by QuEChERS with Acetonitrile as Final Solvent
This poster describes the analysis of several challenging pesticides from green tea samples using GC-MS/MS and acetonitrile as final extraction solvent. The compounds analysed are representatives of various classes of pesticides, such as carboxamids, OC, OP, pyrethriods, aromatic, phenylamides.