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Gas Chromatography – Multimedia

Identification and classification of antifouling compounds secreted by anti MIC microorganisms. A metabolomic analysis. content piece image

Identification and classification of antifouling compounds secreted by anti MIC microorganisms. A metabolomic analysis.

BIOCORIN project, aims to develop a green alternative to the coatings and solutions used up to date for MIC corrosion control. Some of the results of this project are presented here, with the identification of several relevant antifouling compounds secreted by environmentally isolated anti-MIC strains of microorganisms via a metabolomic approach.
Investigation of Chemical Contaminants in Soils Following Superstorm Sandy content piece image

Investigation of Chemical Contaminants in Soils Following Superstorm Sandy

Investigation of Chemical Contaminants in Soils Following Superstorm Sandy
App Note / Case Study

A Complete Forensic Toxicology Screening Procedure for Drugs and Toxic Compounds in Urine and Plasma Using LC-MS/MS

Implementation of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for forensic toxicology screening provides specific and sensitive analysis of drugs and toxic substances.
App Note / Case Study

Performance Evaluation of a Thermal Desorption System for Detection of Basic Drugs in Forensic Samples by GC/MS

Stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) is an innovative sample extraction technique that can be used to process blood, urine, and tissue samples for routine drug screening in the forensic toxicology laboratory.
App Note / Case Study

Toxtyper™ – a Comprehensive LC-MSn Screening Solution for Clinical and Forensic Toxicology

In the clinic and the routine lab, fast and unambiguous identification of toxic compounds is the primary task. The screening solution presented here is based on ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to an LC-MSn ion trap system.
App Note / Case Study

Automation of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Multi-method for GC/MS Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Human Serum

This application demonstrates the extraordinary flexibility of the GX-271 ASPEC and TRILUTION LH software since the desired SPE products can be eluted in fractionated mode.
Enhanced method development capabilities with automated SPME extraction optimization content piece image

Enhanced method development capabilities with automated SPME extraction optimization

A workflow has been described enabling the automated selection of the most suitable extraction conditions (type of fiber, extraction time and temperature) for the GC/MS analysis of a number of contaminants in oil and water samples.
Applying the automated workflow described above the total time to identify the most suitable fiber and then optimize conditions was 4.5 days. Compared to performing the experiments manually which is estimated at 15 days this represents of time saving of 10 days.
App Note / Case Study

Determining Carbohydrates in Essential and Non-essential Foodstuffs using Ion Chromatography

While carbohydrate determination of most foodstuffs requires only minimal sample preparation such as dilution and filtration, samples with interfering matrices such as protein-containing dairy products have to be dialysed before injection. This application note describes a straightforward ion chromatographic method to sensitively determine water-soluble polyols and sugar alcohols as well as mono-, di- and oligosaccharides.
App Note / Case Study

Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides with Agilent 7820 Gas Chromatograph Flame Photometric Detector

The Agilent 7820 series gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame photometric detector (FPD) provides high sensitivity, good linearity, and stability for the analysis of organophosphorus pesticides.
Analysis of Fruit Commodities by GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS Using QuEChERS Approach content piece image

Analysis of Fruit Commodities by GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS Using QuEChERS Approach

The availability of fruit commodities from a wide variety of sources has increased the need for rapid and accurate screening for pesticides in fruit. Not all fruit commodities are brought to market under the strict guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture. Determining whether or not the Environmental Protection Agency tolerances for various pesticides have been violated is important in the risk assessment for consumers in the United States.