GC-MS – Multimedia
App Note / Case Study
Applying H2 Carrier Gas to Real-World GC-MS Analyses
With increased price and pressure on the helium (He) market, laboratories are looking for a more sustainable alternative to helium and exploring the option of hydrogen (H2) carrier gas, which can be generated in the lab in a cost-effective manner and produces fast chromatography and higher sample throughput.
App Note / Case Study
Adding More Confidence to Sensitive Quantitation in Complex Foods by GC/TQ
Concern about trace-level food contaminants is driving the demand for robust, rapid and reliable methods for identification and quantitation of chemical residues and contaminants in food matrices.
App Note / Case Study
Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is regarded as the select analytical technique for the analysis of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in environmental matrices.
App Note / Case Study
Fast and Robust Analysis of 203 Pesticides in Spinach
There is a growing demand for more rapid methods with maintained robustness and chromatographic performance for the identification and quantitation of chemical residues in food analysis.
App Note / Case Study
Five Keys To Unlock Successful Pesticide Analysis by GC/MS/MS
The increasing global demand for food has led to a growing use of pesticides, resulting in elevated risks of trace level chemical pollutants in food. Rapid and reliable methods are required to identify and quantify these pollutants with high sensitivity and over a wide dynamic range.
Thermo Scientific TriPlus RSH SMART Robotic Autosampler
The advanced, built-in robotics of the Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH SMART Autosampler deliver exceptional precision, sample handling flexibility, and reliable unattended operation.
Thermo Scientific TriPlus RSH MicroSPE Workflow. On-line Clean-up of QuEChERS Extracts for GC-MS Analysis
The sample preparation workflow for pesticide analysis can be accelerated through automation with possible on-line or off-line injection into the chromatographic system. The video focuses on the automated clean-up step of QuEChERS extracts through the microSPE technology using the Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH or RSH SMART autosamplers.
Elevate Laboratory Efficiency Through Automated Sample Handling Workflows
Increasing automation in your daily sample handling workflows enables more unattended operations. It means enhanced productivity, higher accuracy and precision, greener solution for reducing sample volume and solvent waste, including less human hazardous exposure.
App Note / Case Study
Food Testing and Environmental Analysis
Ensuring food safety and quality is increasingly challenging. Whether you're analyzing for pesticide residues, ensuring that label claims are correct and accurate, or profiling for food authenticity, you need a system that delivers low detection levels and high sensitivity.
Thermo Scientific TriPlus RSH SMART Robotic Autosampler for Gas Chromatography
The Thermo ScientificTM TriPlusTM RSH SMART autosampler for GC/GCMS utilizes robotic sample handling to expand automated capabilities beyond liquid, headspace and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) injections to advanced sample handling cycles, for simple and more complex sample preparation workflows.