Neurogenomics – Products

Therapeutic Targets for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sino Biological has developed a panel of high-quality recombinant GDNF, NGF, and BDNF to support the research for neurodegenerative diseases.

App Note / Case Study
Resolving Brain Architecture With Comprehensive Spatial Gene Expression
Spatially resolved gene expression can provide a powerful complement to traditional histopathology methods, enabling a greater understanding of cellular heterogeneity and organization within the central nervous system.

Product News
PerkinElmer and Honeycomb Biotechnologies Launch the HIVE scRNAseq Solution for Single-Cell Analysis
Flagship product from Honeycomb Biotechnologies advances single-cell profiling by enabling scientists to capture, store and study fragile cell types.

App Note / Case Study
Using Single-Cell Gene Expression for Transcriptional Profiling of Brain Cells
Download this app note to learn more about high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing and how it can be used to analyze cells and tissues in a variety of ways.

Product News
Whole Brain Single Cell RNA-Sequencing Used to Understand Memory and Learning
Scientists in the Center for Neural Circuits and Behaviour at the University of Oxford have adopted Dolomite Bio’s RNA-Seq System to support their research into cell diversity in fruit fly (Drosophila) brains.

Product News
Research into Degenerative Brain Disease Uses Qlucore Omics Explorer
Omics experimental methods are becoming critical in many areas of drug discovery, to allow the development of next generation, innovative therapeutics.

Product News
Research Into Degenerative Brain Disease Uses Qlucore Omics Explorer
Omics experimental methods are becoming critical in many areas of drug discovery, to allow the development of next generation, innovative therapeutics.

Product News
llumina Launches the VeriSeq™ NIPT Solution in Europe
NGS-based solution makes fast, highly accurate, cost-effective noninvasive prenatal testing available to EU labs.

App Note / Case Study
Detection of RNA in the central and peripheral nervous system using the RNAscope® in situ hybridization assay
The RNAscope® in situ hybridization (ISH) assay provides a powerful method to detect gene expression within the spatial and morphological tissue context.

Product News
Axol Bio Launches iPSC-Derived Astrocyte Kits
The human cell culture specialists expand iPSC-derived cell range to include Progenitor & Mature Astrocytes.