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Next-Generation Sequencing – Products

Scientific Technology

A Revolutionary Microfluidics Platform That Enables Full Automation of NGS Prep Protocols

MIRO CANVAS - automation of complex next generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation an hybridization protocols
Science laboratory, research woman and team work on healthcare innovation, development or investigation. Lab people, coworking group and scientist assessment, problem solving or pharmaceutical
App Note / Case Study

Automate DNA Size Selection and PCR Product Purification

This app note highlights the use of magnetic beads with fully automated size selection protocols for reproducible PCR product purification and DNA size selection.
Double helix structure of DNA.
Product News

Zymo Research Launches the Omics Discovery Grant To Advance RNA-Seq Research

Zymo Research Corp., is excited to announce the launch of the Omics Discovery grant. This new initiative aims to empower scientists around the world with cuttingedge RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) technologies to explore the transcriptome of ANY organism.
Scientist Handling Testing Kit with hands in protective gloves stock photo
App Note / Case Study

Rapid Detection of Mutations Using ddPCR

This application note showcases a Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) workflow that can detect mutations commonly associated with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in a single-well, 6-plex reaction.
Research scientist putting test 96 well platte into real-time pcr machine stock photo
App Note / Case Study

Measure Allele Frequency for Genomic Reference Materials With ddPCR

This application note demonstrates the concordance of these technologies for variant calling.
Twist's cfDNA Library Preparation Kit: Maximize Rare Variant Detection with Confidence, DNA

Twist's cfDNA Library Preparation Kit: Maximize Rare Variant Detection with Confidence

Maximize rare variant detection with Twist's cfDNA Library Preparation Kit. Up 2X conversion yield of cfDNA libraries, high coverage libraries and robust performance, even with minimal sample input enables the confidence you value.
Twist RNA Exome Panel, RNA, FFPE

Twist RNA Exome Panel: Target the Transcriptome and Discover More Biology

Twist RNA Exome Panel is built for RNA extracted from challenging samples such as FFPE and low input. The target enrichment tool increases the signal while requiring fewer sequencing reads for the same number of genes detect.
 Digitally generated DNA fragment on a dark background
App Note / Case Study

Optimize Sequencing Results By Analyzing Moles

This application note introduces a novel approach that enhances the assessment of length distribution and improves the prediction of sequencing outcomes.
A snippet of a DNA helix being captured
App Note / Case Study

Enhancing Precision in RNA-Seq With Target Enrichment

This application note describes a novel design strategy aimed at reducing bias and facilitating the discovery of novel fusion genes.
A scan image of a cancer infected set of lungs
App Note / Case Study

Future-Proof Your RNA-Seq Workflow

This application note describes the use of targeted custom RNA panels to overcome these challenges by enabling the robust and sensitive detection of gene expression profiles from FFPE non-small cell lung cancer samples.