Pesticides – Products
Product News
Complete Cannabis Testing Solutions for the Canadian Market from a Single Source
End-to-end workflow analyzes safety, purity and potency of cannabis to help meet Health Canada's testing standards.
Product News
Mologic and Newcastle University Launch BReD Diagnostic for Blackgrass Resistance at Cereals
Rapid, one-step, lateral flow test for real-time detection of herbicide resistance in blackgrass.
Product News
Bruker Introduces scimaX™ MRMS for Novel Phenomics Workflows
At the 66th ASMS Conference, Bruker announces innovative mass spectrometry products and workflows for breakthroughs in life-science research, in clinical research and large-cohort validations in phenomics and proteomics, in novel biopharma applications and in applied toxicology and forensics markets.
Product News
Waters Technologies for Food Safety, Food Authenticity and Biomedical Research at ASMS 2018
Creating access to the power and potential of mass spectrometry for more laboratories.
App Note / Case Study
Direct Analysis of Polar Pesticides Without Derivatization [Application Note]
One of the most in-demand workflows any food and environmental lab is a solid method for the analysis of polar pesticides. Here we present a collaborative method with Nofalab, Laboratories, Netherlands.
App Note / Case Study
Direct Analysis of Polar Pesticides Without Derivatization
This ion chromatographic approach to the analysis of polar pesticides offers the ability to include multiple analytes in a single injection without derivatization.
Direct Analysis of Polar Pesticides Without Derivatization
Product News
Shimadzu's LabSolutions Insight Software Provides Powerful Data Mining and Analytics Capabilities
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) announces the release of its next-generation LabSolutions Insight software for LC/MS/MS and GC/MS (/MS) analysis.
Product News
SCIEX Announces the First Non-Derivatised LC-MS/MS Method for the Detection of Glyphosate and other Polar Pesticides in a Single Assay
SCIEX and NofaLab collaboration delivers robust and sensitive method for detecting multiple pesticides in a single run.
Product News
New Method for the Detection of Fipronil Insecticide and its Associated Metabolites in Eggs and Poultry Launched by SCIEX
Tri-company collaboration sets up a fast and sensitive multi-component single method using LC-MS/MS.