Psychedelics – News and Features

Psilocybin Shows Promise as OCD Treatment in Mouse Study
Research from the Hebrew University published in Molecular Psychiatry shows psilocybin can significantly decrease OCD-like behaviors and tic-like movements in genetically modified mice.

Life With Fibromyalgia: Exploring Current Research
In this article, we explore treatment options for fibromyalgia, what current research can tell us about the disease and what the future of fibromyalgia research could look like.

Research Links Psilocybin to Enhanced Motivation
Research demonstrates that rats given psilocybin exhibit increased optimism and motivation in reward-based tasks. This study provides insights into how psilocybin may address core symptoms of major depression.

Classic Psychedelic Activates Hippocampal Neurons While Supressing Anxiety
A classic psychedelic was found to activate a cell type in the brain that silences other neighboring neurons, a result that provides insight into how such drugs reduce anxiety, according to a new study in mice.

Psilocybin as Effective as Traditional Antidepressants, With Added Benefits
Researchers found that psilocybin therapy provides long-term relief from depressive symptoms similar to escitalopram while improving overall well-being. The study highlights psilocybin’s potential as a more holistic treatment option depression.

Psychedelic Research Centers Lack Diversity in Leadership According To Publish Health Study
New research has found low levels of public health participation or collaboration in psychedelic research, education, training or information dissemination.

Human-Dog Brain Synchronization and Its Implications for Autism
A study found that human and dog brains synchronize during mutual gazing and petting, with increased synchronization over time. Dogs with autism-like social impairments lost this synchronization, but a single LSD treatment restored it.

Stigma and Fears Stop People From Discussing Psychedelic Therapy
A study reveals that patients face significant barriers discussing psychedelic substances with their physicians. Stigmatization, perceived lack of knowledge, and fear of damaging the doctor-patient relationship often prevent open conversations.

Psilocybin and Escitalopram Affect Brain Hierarchies in Different Ways
A study shows psilocybin and SSRIs affect brain dynamics differently in treating depression. Psilocybin induces a "flattening" of hierarchical brain structures, while SSRIs enhance hierarchical reorganization.

Study Supports Psilocybin’s Potential To Treat Depressive Symptoms
Study suggests that high doses of psilocybin appears to have a similar effect on depressive symptoms as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor escitalopram.