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Screening Strategies in Drug Discovery – Multimedia

App Note / Case Study

Fragment Based Drug Discovery on Pioneer Systems Using Next Generation SPR Analysis

Download this free application note o learn all about ForteBio's Next Generation SPR, including the advantages of using this technology and comparisons to conventional SPR.
Identification of New Hit Compounds Using a High-Throughput Phenotypic Screen with SMA Patient iPSC-Derived Motor Neurons content piece image

Identification of New Hit Compounds Using a High-Throughput Phenotypic Screen with SMA Patient iPSC-Derived Motor Neurons

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inheritable cause of infant mortality that is characterized by the loss of lower motor neurons and skeletal muscle atrophy. The degeneration of motor neurons is caused by insufficient levels of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein, which is encoded by two nearly identical genes SMN1 and SMN2. Most cases of SMA harbour homozygous deletions of the SMN1 gene and retain at least one copy of SMN2.
ALS Drug Discovery via High-Throughput Phenotypic Screening Using iPSC-Derived Human Motor Neurons content piece image

ALS Drug Discovery via High-Throughput Phenotypic Screening Using iPSC-Derived Human Motor Neurons

At BrainXell, we established new technologies to rapidly differentiate ALS patient induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into large quantities of neurons.
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6 Drug Discovery Strategies

Despite being a complex and interdisciplinary process, remarkable advances have been seen in many areas of drug discovery and design. There are now several drug discovery strategies available to drug discovery scientists in search of new, efficacious drugs.
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The Assay Technology Trends Transforming Drug Discovery

So, you don’t get the results you were expecting, but why not? Could it be the underlying science – or could it be your choice of assay? Here we highlight 6 technology trends – with the potential to improve productivity and cost-effectiveness in drug discovery – if they are implemented correctly!
App Note / Case Study

A Guide to Measuring Drug-Target Residence Time

During drug development initiatives, analysis of drug-target residence times can lead to improved efficacy. Therefore, residence times are increasingly being used to prioritize molecules early in lead discovery.
App Note / Case Study

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery (FBDD) with Injection Methodologies [Application Note]

Fragment-based drug design has become an increasingly popular platform for the identification of lead candidates in drug discovery programs.
App Note / Case Study

Turn Subtle Phenotypic Responses into Robust Discoveries

Today’s drug discovery strategies require candidate compounds to fail early and cheaply in the discovery stage, rather than late and expensively in the clinical phase. Testing compounds in physiologically relevant model systems and leveraging information from image-based screens are ways to focus on those compounds that give rise to the right phenotypic changes without undesirable effects on the system.
App Note / Case Study

A No-Wash 4-Plex Apoptosis Screening Kit and Validation for Phenotypic Screening

Since it is so closely related to the overall health of a cell and fundamentally involved in all of cell biology, the need for characterizing apoptosis and apoptotic processes occurs throughout the drug discovery process, from primary screening to toxicity profiling.
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Solutions for High-Throughput and Phenotypic Screening

Accelerate drug discovery workflows with state-of-the art imaging and detection instruments, assay technologies, reagents, versatile automation systems, and powerful informatics solutions that work together to ensure consistent, accurate, physiologically relevant results. Wrest more meaning from your findings with PerkinElmer's one-of-a-kind analytics, and amplify your phenotypic or target-based screens to identify hits and lead compounds in small and focused or high-throughput volumes.