Spatial Biology – Multimedia

App Note / Case Study
Proteomics at the Single-Cell Level
Single-cell proteomics is a rapidly developing field with the potential to make important contributions to understanding cellular heterogeneity.

Resolve Cancer With Single-Cell and Spatial Multiomics
Traditional approaches have enabled researchers to make great strides in understanding the complexities of cancer biology, and to translate ground-breaking discoveries into lifesaving cancer treatments and therapies.

App Note / Case Study
Label-Free Single Cell Proteomics Workflow
Label-Free Single Cell Proteomics Workflow With the CellenONE Platform and the TimsTOF SCP

Tumor Biology
Download this infographic to explore cancer cell physiology, the composition of the tumor microenvironment and mechanisms regulating tumor initiation and cancer progression.

App Note / Case Study
Quantifying T Cell Response in 3D Tumor Spheroids Using Advanced Flow Cytometry Workflows
Discovery of novel immunotherapies that specifically target and enhance the T cell response against cancer is a rapidly expanding research area. Robust and relevant in vitro models for evaluation of these immunotherapies is essential throughout their development.

App Note / Case Study
Resolving Brain Architecture With Comprehensive Spatial Gene Expression
Spatially resolved gene expression can provide a powerful complement to traditional histopathology methods, enabling a greater understanding of cellular heterogeneity and organization within the central nervous system.

Spatial Transcriptomics
In this infographic, we explore how and why spatial transcriptomics brings us one step closer to a more holistic understanding of cell biology.

App Note / Case Study
Enriching Pathological Analysis of FFPE Tumor Samples With Spatial Transcriptomics
Download this app note to discover how Visium Spatial Gene Expression can help verify and refine traditional pathologist-led analysis as well as characterize spatial gene expression patterns of known prostate cancer markers plus much more.

How To Guide
Visium Spatial Profiling
Download this guide to learn how to design your gene expression experiments, optimize experimental parameters and identify appropriate tools to analyze spatial gene expression data.

Beyond the Genome: Advances in Sequencing the Brain
Our ability to rapidly sequence the nucleic acids that form the building blocks of our cells has arguably done more for biomedical science over the last twenty years than any other development. But modern sequencing techniques have now moved beyond the genome and in this infographic, we review the new multiomics methods powering neuroscience discovery.