The COVID-19 Pandemic – Products

App Note / Case Study
Achieve Comprehensive Viral Detection Using NGS Target Enrichment
This application note explores how an innovative panel provides a comprehensive tool for infectious disease research and public health monitoring.

Product News
Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces 510(k) Clearance of the Applied BioSystems TaqPath COVID-19 Diagnostic PCR Kit
Thermo Fisher Scientific has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for the Applied BioSystems™ TaqPath™ COVID-19 Diagnostic PCR Kit.

App Note / Case Study
Unraveling Protein Complex Dynamics
Discover how cutting-edge methodologies capture transient interactions with precision, providing a deeper understanding of complex binding dependencies.

Product News
Thermo Fisher Scientific Introduces Invitrogen™ Vivofectamine™ Delivery Solutions To Help Advance Life Science Research and Genetic Medicines
Thermo Fisher Scientific has introduced the Invitrogen Vivofectamine™ Delivery Solutions to provide high-performance lipid nanoparticles (LNP) technology for non-viral delivery of nucleic acids.

Product News
Oxford Nanopore Announces Landmark UK Government Partnership To Advance Genomics-Driven Healthcare Innovation in the UK
Oxford Nanopore, announced a landmark strategic partnership with the UK Government. This partnership brings together the UK’s world-class scientific organisations Genomics England, UK Biobank and NHS England, alongside Oxford Nanopore.

The Economics of Synthetic mRNA Capping Strategies
This whitepaper evaluates the results of a study into the three main capping options available to manufacturers, highlighting expert insights on mRNA capping costs and customer needs.

Product News
Just – Evotec Biologics Selected by U.S. Department of Defense for Manufacturing Optimization Program
Just – Evotec Biologics will deliver an ultra-rapid, cost-efficient biotherapeutics manufacturing platform solution for the DOD’s Manufacturing Optimization Program.

Product News
Partnership With Microsaic Systems for Optimer-Enabled Water Monitoring
New binders will be developed to multiple waterborne pathogens. Optimer will support continuous water monitoring for rapid detection.

Product News
Integrated DNA Technologies Announces New Primers and Probe Set To Identify H5N1 Avian Influenza
PCR/qPCR solution will support surveillance and monitoring of the current H5N1 strain of bird flu in response to multi-state outbreak in U.S. dairy cows.

Product News
Atriva Therapeutics Secures Us Patent for Mek Inhibitor Zapnometinib (Atr-002)
Zapnometinib is now ready for clinical development in severe influenza, an area without approved therapies and with a rapidly evolving pandemic threat from bird flu virus H5N1.