Water Analysis – News and Features

3M Food Safety Awarded AOAC Certification for Water Microbial Testing Tool
3M™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Coliform Count Plates have received Performance Tested Method validation from the AOAC Research Institute.

BioteQ Appoints Jonathan Wilkinson as CEO
Mr. Wilkinson will join BioteQ on October 11, 2011, replacing retiring CEO, Brad Marchant.

Exposure to Arsenic in Drinking Water is Associated with Increased Prevalence of Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study in the Zimapan and Lagunera Regions in Mexico
This study confirms the association between exposure to inorganic Arsenic and diabetes and is the first to link the risk of diabetes to the production of one of the most toxic metabolites of inorganic Arsenic, dimethylarsinite.

Development of an Optimized Method for the Detection of Airborne Viruses with Real-Time PCR Analysis
Airborne viruses remain one of the major public health issues worldwide. Detection and quantification of airborne viruses is essential in order to provide information regarding public health risk assessment.

Bacterial Colonization of Pellet Softening Reactors used during Drinking Water Treatment
This article describes the opportunistic bacterial colonization of the calcite pellets in a full-scale pellet softening reactor and the functional contribution of these colonizing bacteria to the overall drinking water treatment process.

Manchester-based Analytical Technology Achieves Record Turnover as Water Industry Thrives
Achievement demonstrates the buoyancy of the current market for water monitoring instrumentation, despite the present economic recession.

ITT to Acquire YSI Incorporated
Deal strengthens company's water instrumentation business.

H2O Innovation Awarded CAN$8.0 Million in Contracts for Municipal and Industrial Water Treatment Systems in the United States and Canada
New contracts was awarded totalling $8.0 million shortly before the end of 2011 fiscal year, on June 30, 2011.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Wins the R&D 100 Award
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. announces that its Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-5000 Capillary Ion Chromatography (IC) system has been named an R&D 100 award winner by an independent judging panel and the editors of R&D Magazine.

Determination of Chlorinated Solvents in Industrial Water and Wastewater by DAI-GC-ECD
An article published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry describes a method that enables the simultaneous determination of 26 compounds with low detection limits and excellent precision, especially for highly halogenated solvents.