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Lab-on-Chip Systems for Pathogen Analysis
Microfluidic and nanotechnological systems on chip exhibit the potential of cell based analysis especially pathogen detection on chip.
Microfluidic Systems for Biomarker Analysis and Cancer Diagnosis
We first report on a magnetic surface coverage assay, in which ‘large’ (2.8 μm) magnetic beads have contact with ‘small’ (1.0 μm) immobilized magnetic beads via magnetic dipolar interaction to induce specific immunocomplex formation.
A Microfluidic Toolbox for Nucleic Acid Based Diagnostic Tests
As many biodetection assays, especially nucleic-acid based tests, require a more or less complex sample preparation protocol, microfluidics is seen as one of the key enabling technologies to realize the integration of these sample prep protocols with the detection scheme on a single device.
Multiplexed Infectious Disease Testing - Sound Point-of-Care Diagnostics
We have developed a new technology which enables us to shape acoustic fields and tailor their interaction with fluids.
Handling Slower Reactions in Flow
Robert Ashe, AM Technology, speaking at Flow Chemistry India 2015
Microfluidics Market Outlook: What are the Next Sweet Spot Applications?
Benjamin Roussel, Activity Leader, MedTech gives an overview of the microfluidics market outlook including up and coming applications.
Unibody Lab-on-a-Chip Fast Prototyping
The development of disposable devices for optical chemical detection with cell phones, entail challenging demands to configure autonomous systems.
Recent Developments in Droplet Based Microfluidic Technologies
This article reports on the microfluidics market, identifies technological bottlenecks, and showcases a few successful and fast growing applications.
Photocontrolled Polymerizations in Flow: Next Generation Material Synthesis
Thomas Junkers, Hasselt University, speaking at Flow Chemistry India 2015
Getting Microfluidics to Work as a Product – Intricacies from Cost to Function
The talk will cover aspects of systems engineering and show examples of solutions with proven functionality in regards to production-related issues.