Latest On-Demand Webinars
Formulating Cannabinoid Particles for Therapeutics
Join Dr Natalia Sannikova and Tomas Skrinskas from Ascension Sciences, as they explore the therapeutic use of cannabinoids as novel medicines and the opportunities of nanotechnology in formulating cannabinoid nanoparticles.
Cannabis in Context: Health, Regulations and Listening to the Science
Christopher Tasker, CEO of Global Cannabinoid Solutions will be exploring current cannabis UK legislation and developments within Europe, as well as proposed law improvements by listening to the science.
Designing Lipid Nanoparticle Systems for COVID-19 Vaccines
Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology is increasingly enabling the clinical potential of genetic drugs. By packaging the nucleic acid polymer in well-defined nanoparticles, LNPs protect the nucleic acid payload in vivo and facilitate intracellular delivery following uptake into target cells by endocytosis.
Driving Lab Productivity With PCR Power
Discover ways to get the most out of your PCR and improve lab productivity as well as learn how to avoid typical PCR mistakes and troubleshoot PCR issues when they arise.
Science Against SARS-CoV-2
This virtual conference was held to provide an opportunity to share the most recent scientific advancements in the fight against SARS-CoV-2. Watch on demand to learn more about dissecting host-pathogen biology and interactions as well as vaccine and therapeutic development strategies.
Advancing Your Biomolecular Characterization
This free-to-attend webinar provides new and experienced users with an insight into how microcalorimetry can complement existing techniques used to study reactions involving biomolecules.
Transferring of Measuring Methods in a Regulated Environment
Watch this webinar to discover more about method transfers and the effects of parameters and optical properties on them.
Analysis of Process Related Impurities in Cell & Gene Therapy Products by SWATH LC-MS
The manufacturing process for cell and gene therapies is complex and can contain process-related impurities from multiple organisms. A commercial host cell protein (HCP)-ELISA kit is often not available for the cell line or is not suitable for the specific process due to a low HCP coverage. Development of a process-specific ELISA can be unfeasible as the product often requires a short development time.
Native Mass Spectrometry and COVID-19: Uncovering Drug Binding and Oligomerization
This webinar will introduce the native MS and lipid nanodisc technique as well as demonstrate how this approach can be used to directly measure the oligomeric state of protein and peptide complexes within intact model lipid bilayers. Ongoing studies on the M2 and E protein will be discussed.
Roundtable: The Origin of Neurodegeneration
Our December 3 online event, The Origin of Neurodegeneration, will feature an expert panel who will review innovative research that could lead to a deeper understanding of the basics of nerve cell function and failure. Register now to submit a question to our panel.