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Discovering Reprogrammed Molecular Pathways in Cancer Metastasis With MALDI Imaging

Discovering Reprogrammed Molecular Pathways in Cancer Metastasis With MALDI Imaging  content piece image
Reprogramming of molecular and metabolic pathways is a hallmark of cancer, enabling cancer cells to rapidly proliferate, invade and metastasize. My lab team is investigating such altered key metabolic pathways in breast cancer, including their specific roles in migration, invasion and metastasis.
An integral part of our methodological approach is matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging, as it allows us to spatially map a plethora of different biomolecules in tissue sections of primary tumors and corresponding metastases.

This presentation will highlight our recent progress in the discovery of N-glycans and phospholipids that significantly contribute to aberrant cancer metabolic pathways in primary tumors and metastases. We have also developed novel MALDI imaging approaches of drugs and drug metabolites that exploit key metabolic differences in tumors.

In this webinar you will discover:
  • What MALDI imaging can do for your cancer investigations
  • How MALDI imaging can be used to localize drugs and drug metabolites in tissue
  • How to incorporate multiple biomarker classes for more complete tissue assessments

    *For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
A picture of Kristine Glunde, PhD
Kristine Glunde, PhD
Professor of Radiology, Oncology & Biological Chemistry The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine