Scalable Nanopore Sequencing for Alzheimer’s Research
We will introduce the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias (CARD) long-read sequencing initiative, which will generate a new genetic resource for Alzheimer’s and related dementias from thousands of human brain samples. We will discuss the wet-lab protocol that was developed for high-throughput DNA extraction, processing and nanopore sequencing for the initiative. We will also demonstrate how to run a scalable computational pipeline in the Terra workspace that outputs small variants, structural variants and haplotype-resolved assemblies.
Attend this webinar to learn:
- How to process human brain samples at scale to generate high-quality nanopore data
- How nanopore sequencing can bring new insights to Alzheimer’s disease research
- The key concepts of Terra and how to run the scalable computational pipeline in the Terra workspace
- About the output files of the computational pipeline and how these can be used for downstream analysis