Advancing Monoclonal Cell Line Development: Technologies and Challenges
Published: September 6, 2024
Credit: iStock
Monoclonality in cell line development is an essential requirement for bioproduction, analytics and therapeutics such as biologics and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) for applications in multi-omics, immuno-oncology, drug discovery, regenerative medicine and more.
Traditional techniques like FACS, microfluidics and limiting dilution isolate and clone single cells. However, by isolating single-cell derived monoclonal colonies instead, researchers can enhance the precision and effectiveness of biopharmaceutical research.
This whitepaper explores the available technologies, key challenges and the growing impact of single-cell cloning.
Download this whitepaper to learn more about:
- The limitations of traditional methods
- An effective solution that can save on costs as well as improving viability
- How this platform can accelerate drugs to market
Development of Monoclonal Cell Lines - Available
Technologies and Overcoming Challenges
Figure 1: Single Cell Workflow and Applications
Cell Culture Isolation & Sorting Targeted Applications
Neural Cells
Muscle Cells
Blood Cells
Bone Cells
Somatic Cells iPSC Cells
Neural Cells
Muscle Cells
Blood Cells
Bone Cells
Somatic Cells iPSC Cells
Limiting Dilution FACS Microfluidics
empty well
well with 1+x cells
96-well MTP
Detector SSC, Fluorescence
Sheath Flow
Sample of dierentially
labelled cells
Limiting Dilution FACS Microfluidics
empty well
well with 1+x cells
96-well MTP
Detector SSC, Fluorescence
Sheath Flow
Sample of dierentially
labelled cells
Single Cells Deposited Monoclonal Colonies
Cell Dilution
Tumor/Tissue Organoids/Drug Screen
Transfection/Transduction Regerative Medicine
CRISPR/Gene Edit
Cell Line Dev (ATMP)
iPSC MultiOmics
Fluidics/Dispensing Arrays
dispensing chip
50 µm
nozzle image cell images
For more information on CellRaft Technology, visit
Single-cell cloning is the process by which a cell line is generated from a single starting cell that has been segregated from
a heterogeneous population, typically one that has been prepared from transfections, transductions, or primary cells from
tissue or biopsy.1
As new methodologies evolve, life science drug development has begun to expand from small molecules
toward more specific biologics and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). Single-cell workflows have played an
important role in this expansion, as they have clinical and scientific impacts on crucial cross-disciplinary applications in
multi-omics,2 immune oncology,3 rare cell identification,4 drug discovery,5 stem cells (regenerative medicine),4,6,7 biologics,8
organoids,9,10 and epigenetics.11,12
In recent years, cell line development for the purpose of analytics, bioproduction and therapeutics has evolved into a
crucial workflow, with monoclonality as a critical requirement (Figure 1). The development of more specific therapies for a
diverse range of disease conditions has also driven the advancement in single-cell workflow particularly cloning which has
become a vital requirement in biopharmaceutical research and product development.
White Paper
Current Methods
Limiting Dilution and Single Cell Dispensing
Currently, the two widely used single-cell isolation techniques are limiting dilution and single cell dispensing,
sometimes aided by fluorescence cell sorting. Although
perceived to be commonplace, these techniques are
tedious and time-consuming, and have other significant
drawbacks including requiring stringent sample preparation and extensive training and equipment maintenance,
and typically necessitating serial rounds of cloning to produce a single monoclonal cell line.13 These disadvantages
also often result in poor cell viability and proliferation.
Despite the drawbacks, the most convenient and cost-effective single-cell isolation technique is limiting dilution.
This involves the generation of a monoclonal line from
a polyclonal pool through manual serial dilutions, image
analysis of individual clones, and subsequent expansion of
clones of interest. While the ability to obtain individual cells
from diluted cell suspensions seems simple and straightforward when employing hand pipettes or automated robotic
pipetting platforms, it is often difficult to retrieve a sufficient number of the desired monoclones. At the end of this
process, it is not unusual to have wells with multiple cells, or
no cells at all, and a lack of viable clones is often an additional problem. Moreover, given that it is difficult to determine if cells were truly isolated before expansion, there is
no guarantee that the subsequent colonies originate from
single cells.16
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting
The use of flow cytometry and cell sorting is another
technique that leads to a false impression of improvement
upon limiting dilution.14,17 Here, cells are analyzed and sorted
based on hydrodynamic focusing phenomenon and specific cellular characteristics. Fluorescence-activated cell
sorting (FACS) enables a single cell to be separated from
a cell suspension with some degree of purity. In fact, the
cell sorter is capable of placing a single cell in a microplate
well with reasonable accuracy and efficiency. Benchtop
cell sorting systems with multiple lasers and colors can
improve the precision and speed of the sorting and selection process.18 However, this necessitates significant gating
requirements and setup for every population to be sorted,
to ensure retrieval of the maximal number of viable clones.19
In some cases, limited by the availability of fluorescently
tagged antibodies developed towards surface epitopes, the
preparation of reagents can become a highly complicated exercise. Furthermore, the cell sorting and dispensing
process can damage the cells, altering their metabolic state
and inducing oxidative stress.20 In fact, due to the fraction of
FACS-sorted cells that are dead or have impeded growth, it
is common for only 20% of isolated single cells to produce
usable colonies.19,21 Cells subjected to FACS-sorting show a
50% increase in reactive oxygen species, suggesting that
as these cells transition from proliferating in cell culture to
the stressful environment of sorting and dispensing, their
metabolism shifts from a state of anabolism to catabolism.
Such a metabolic transition decreases reductive biosynthetic reactions utilizing NADPH, and cells undergoing this
transition switch on apoptotic genes or shutdown S phase
synthesis.20 As a result, diminished outgrowth is often
reported in single cell progenitors initiated via FACS, and
necessary outgrowth yields tend to take longer to achieve.
Although these techniques are commonly used across
academic and the biopharmaceutical industries, there are
major drawbacks. First, the cell preparation must be a single-cell suspension and cannot be used for adherent cells
without extensive enzymatic or physical treatment. Second, both methods rely on statistical probabilities to claim
monoclonality, require multiple serial rounds of cloning to
produce a clonal cell line, and often overestimate the probability of monoclonality due to the presence of cell clusters21.
Thus, the verification of a single cell progenitor is a tedious,
time-consuming, microscopic examination of all microplate
wells and does not provide a clearly documented image of
a single cell. Therefore, proving monoclonality is laborious
and difficult to demonstrate with these techniques. Systems for these methods of single-cell clone generation currently consist of multiple platforms, components, and steps.
This can be economically taxing, limits compatibility and
availability, and often requires troubleshooting at different
stages of the workflow, adding another layer of complexity
to this already demanding process (Table 1).
Cell Dispensers
Recently, several new products specializing in cell sorting
and dispensing have emerged, each marketing their system
as a method for streamlining the generation of single-cell
clones. These setups vary widely in specifications and cost,
ranging from $150,000 to millions of dollars.
The most common of these systems are cell dispensers.
These platforms use microfluidics combined with brightfield imaging or fluorescence detection to deposit a single
cell in one well of a 96- or 384-well collection plate. These
platforms seek to improve upon limiting dilution techniques
by eliminating the time and resources spent serially processing culture plates by directly obtaining an isolated single cell. This may provide some improvements over limiting
dilution and improved confidence in monoclonality; however, such systems have limited benefits. Outgrowth of the
isolated single cells must be performed separately, necessitating additional equipment, resources, and space demands.
This leads to additional costs beyond the platform itself,
which alone can run from several hundreds of thousands to
millions of dollars in purchase price. The process of physical manipulation in fluidic channels and droplet impact
of dispensing can also harm the isolated cell, perturbing
expression profiles and reducing outgrowth (Figure 2).22
Furthermore, these platforms are specific in function and
do not support other forms of selection or propagation, and
Table 1: Cell Sorting and Isolation Methods
Isolation Methods Description Advantages Disadvantages Cost
Limiting Dilution –
Serial dilution until
solution is statistically calculated
to be one cell per
Established, simple
and familiar protocols;
perceived to be low
High failure rate; error prone; tedious;
extended experimental timeline (~10
weeks); additional equipment/space required (biosafety cabinet, incubator, cell
counter); contamination risk; high risk of
isolating multiple cells; manipulation of
cells can perturb expression profiles; not
designed for bulk sorting
Limiting Dilution –
Robotic-controlled micropipettes
High accuracy; fluorescence can be used
Lack of software analysis increase time
and effort to get reasonable results for
isolation & selection
Flow Sorting Microdroplets
with single cells
are isolated by
electric charge at
high pressure
Enables bulk or single-cell sorting high
accuracy and precision
for identifying cells/
populations of interest;
fluorescent markers
can be used to isolate
Requires separate single-cell dispenser; low yield; requires off-platform
propagation for cell line development;
not amenable to organoid/3D biology;
equipment and manual labor- requires
hands on attention; fluidics perturb cell
metabolism; perturb expression profiles
and damage cells
Microfluidic platforms Microfluidic chips
isolate single cells
in flow channels
High-throughput; reactions can be performed
on-chip; reduced
reagent costs
High failure rate; prone to contamination; highly complicated fluid mechanics can complicate outcomes; lack of
imaging options
Cell Dispensing (droplet) Single cell trapped
in microfluidic
Single cells can be
imaged in a flow path
Highly complicated fluid mechanics can
complicate outcomes
Cell Raft Technology Single cells grown
in specialized
culture dish; one
single platform
for integrated
imaging, analysis,
Able to isolate up to
400 clones from each
array into 96-well
plates, with each plate
giving rise to >90%
single-cell growth into
colonies; can propagate stem cells/iPSCs,
organoids, or screen
T-cells; fast
ease of tracking
and tracing of clonal
propagation unique
powerful software
drives selection and
isolation of cells based
on highly specific end
user requirements
Not ideal for high-throughput single cell
genomics; not designed for bulk sorting;
cannot be integrated with sample prep
Optofluidic Technology Uses light and millions of light-actuated pixels to
move individual
cells so they
can be isolated,
cultured, assayed,
and exported
Integrated workflow Limited number of cells; chip only has
5,000 positions; not every nanopen
position is occupied; very limited applications; requires a fully dedicated lab
technician to operate; technology has
not been fully adopted yet
Figure 2. Droplet Impact Can Damage Cell Viability
(adapted from Ng et al., 2022)
therefore those seeking single-cell workflows to propagate
stem cells/iPSCs, organoids, or screen T-cells cannot make
use of them. Thus, although single-cell dispensers represent an improvement over traditional manual methods,
they do not meet all needs to facilitate rapid and efficient
development of clones.
With the market saturated with a variety of platforms, the
researchers are left to navigate and decide which system
is most appropriate and cost-effective for their needs.
While new techniques such as microfluidic platforms and
automated clone pickers show promise for the screening,
selection, and isolation of monoclones, they still fall short
on delivering on a high volume of viable monoclonal colonies without constraining resources. There is a clear need
for more comprehensive tools that encompass the entire
workflow from single-cell separation through outgrowth,
and that are applicable for multiple cell lines and types.
chemical equilibrium is not perturbed during the process of
isolation. New technologies have been developed to meet
some of these unmet needs.
The CellRaft®
Technology (Figure 3) provides flask-like culture conditions at the resolution of a single cell, with gentle
and automated isolation using image-based attributes for
function, gene expression, and morphology. This technology
is manifested in the CellRaft AIR® System23, which is an integrated platform for growing, scanning, analyzing, and isolating single-cell derived monoclonal colonies. This system
relies on the CellRaft®
Array, which is a cell culture dish with
10,000-150,000 microwells called CellRafts. This design
allows the cells to settle gently by gravity and distribute
across the array into a variety of single, double, or clustered
combinations. According to the Poisson distribution model,
approximately 40% - 60% of CellRafts are populated by single cells, depending on seeding density. The unique design
allows all the cells to share the same media and extracellular
growth factors or cytokines, mimicking the growing conditions of an actual flask or a reactor. This allows physical
isolation of single cells without physical perturbation and
eliminates any biochemical or physiological changes.
The CellRaft AIR System enables the ability to individually
image and analyze the cells in brightfield or fluorescent imaging modalities. The CellRaft Cytometry™ software allows
selection of clones that accurately fit the attributes defined
by the end user or application. Acquisition, isolation, and
retrieval of monoclonal colonies are performed automatically on the same platform by the mechanical actuation of a
magnetic wand, which gently transfers the colony-containing CellRaft to a 96-well collection plate.
The CellRaft AIR System can image, track, analyze, and automate the isolation of colonies from single cells using one
instrument with no minimum sample size requirement. Due
to the fact that single-cells are grown without microfluidic
separation or perturbation ensures viability and vitality of
single-cells and allows them to develop into healthy clones.
The CellRaft Array relies on shared media across the array
allowing cell-to-cell communication during clonal development, making it possible to obtain 10X to 50X more viable,
Overcoming the Challenges
Based on the current needs of researchers (Table 2) and
methods described, it is clear that a system or technology is
needed to obtain single cells while providing natural conditions to maintain cell cycle kinetics and ensure that bioFigure 3. CellRaft Technology Combines the Power of Flask-like Culture Conditions and Single-Cell Separation to Produce
High Viability Cells, Colonies, and Organoids
Our Solution: Cell Raft Technology
Flask-like Culture Conditions + Single-cell Separation + Image-based, Software-guided Selection =
Automated Retrieval of High Vitality Cells, Colonies, or Organoids
Prepare Cell Suspension Dispense Cell Suspension
into CellRaft Array
Cells Settle into
Microwells via
Cells Attach to
Polystyrene Cell Raft
Software-guided Selection CellRaft Picked Up by Wand CellRaft Gently Placed
in Collection Plate
Table 2: Comparison of the different technologies from the perspective of an experimental workflow.
Experimental Needs Limited Dilution
Limited Dilution
Flow Sorting Cell
Main Applications Single Cell Cloning Single Cell Cloning Single Cell Isolation Single Cell-Omics; Cell Line
Gene Therapy
Clonal Cell Line
Cell Line Development Single
Cell cloning; iPSC
& Organoids
Development and
Throughput (number of cells for
single cell propagation)
Low High High High High Medium
Cell Viability Very Low Very Low Low Low High Very High
Outgrowth Efficiency Negligible Very Low Medium Medium Low Very High
Visual Control None None None Partial Yes Yes
Cell Selection None None Limited Limited Limited Yes fully capable
Starting Number of Cells Needed High High Moderate Moderate Low Moderate
Flexibility (Own Protocols) Yes Yes No No No Yes
Software None Used for Robotic
Analyze, Segregate Analyze,
Robotic Control
Analyze, Isolation,
Monitoring as a
Function of Time
Lab Skills Needed Low Low High Low Very High Low
Integration with Lab Management
No Yes Yes No Yes no
Integrated Workflow No No No No Yes Yes
Footprint in the Lab Negligible Large Large Small Very Large Small
Number of Cell Types Demonstrated NA ~10-25 >100 <20 2 to 1 ~100
2D or 3D Biology No No No No No Yes
Robotic Compatible None Yes Some No Yes No
Real Time Live Cell Image Analysis No No No Yes No Yes
Track and Trace
(Time Course/Audit Trail)
No No Limited Limited Yes Yes
Image versus Signal None Image Signal Image Image Image
Proof of Monoclonality Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Direct Direct
highly proliferative monoclonal colonies. This is a significant
improvement over other systems, as the flask-like conditions help promote the existence and selection of cells that
will not be in a resting phase, early apoptosis, senescent, or
other conditions that make the cell difficult or impossible to
propagate after isolation.19 Moreover, the CellRaft AIR System is highly versatile in that it can achieve colony growth
from primary, adherent, or suspension cells, including iPSCs
and immune cells. Additionally, users can grow iPSCs into
3D cell systems, including organoids, for applications such
as cancer immunology, multi-omics and cellular heterogeneity studies.
The “brains” of the CellRaft AIR System is the software
called CellRaft Cytometry that selects, scans and images
thousands of CellRafts, enabling automated identification
and isolation of the desired clones (Figure 4). The software
allows users to easily interact with thousands of viable cells
in real time. It seamlessly integrates with the hardware
with intuitive navigation of the many features included. The
software can be used on and off the system allowing the
user to analyze cellular data on a desktop or laptop. The
key features of the CellRaft Cytometry software include
(1) versatility – multiparameter analysis (time, morphology, phenotype); (2) automated CellRaft identification and
isolation, resulting in software guided biology decisions; (3)
unbiased CellRaft selection, reducing errors in identification; (4) easy template creation with a QuickStart library; (5)
savable user-defined parameters for assay accuracy and
consistency; (6) track and trace capability for an audit trail;
and (7) simultaneous scanning and data analysis in real time.
Similar to standard culturing methods, cells are plated on
the CellRaft Array which is then loaded into the CellRaft
AIR System platform. Cells are imaged with three-channel
fluorescence and brightfield microscopy and sorted with
user-defined thresholds, filtering, and gating
(Figure 4). The software will scan for expression, time,
morphology, and automatically isolate the desired CellRaft
based on user criteria.24 The system can isolate a full 96-well
plate of individual, undisturbed cells, or colonies in under an
hour for expansion and downstream analysis.25
The CellRaft Air System offers a number of advantages over
other currently available systems. It provides a more efficient single-cell workflow, including clonal colony propagation, by combining imaging, identifying, and isolating in one
instrument and on one consumable. It achieves this while
also producing very high clonal yields with robust viability
and cell proliferation. This is a significant improvement over
other platforms, which often have additional space and
instrument needs. Furthermore, automation of all steps
provides significant benefits, including real time imaging,
identification, and isolation of cells and small colonies for
outgrowth in 96-well plates (Figure 3). This not only accelerates the timeline to results, but also reduces costs and
contamination risks. The system includes several onboard
assays,25 including cell characterization, co-culturing, celldrug, and cell-cell interactions. Finally, unlike other systems,
the CellRaft AIR System supports a wide range cell types
and 3D cell systems,25 including stem cells (including iPSCs),
animal or human cells, primary cells, immortalized cells, adherent cell, suspension cells, and organoids.
Recent experimental and cost analyses including hands
on time to run the protocol between limiting dilution and
CellRaft Technology indicates that the latter delivers a high
return on investment in terms of outgrowth efficiency, time
and cost as seen in Table 3.
Currently single cell workflows for approximately 100 different cell lines and types have been successfully demonstrated on the CellRaft AIR System (Figure 5), and new workflows are being constantly developed and validated.
Figure 4. A single cell on a CellRaft can be readily identified
using CellRaft Cytometry (green contour defines the boundaries of the area of interest). The Venn diagram shows the
characteristics defined by the user to identify the cells of
interest for isolation. The table identifies the contents of each
For decades, limiting dilution and single cell sorting have
been the primary methods for development of monoclonal
cell lines. Significant disadvantages of cellular damage,
slow workflows, and questions of clonality have remained
outstanding problems with these methods. Newer single
cell dispensers have provided significant improvements in
assurance of clonality and confluence, but yields can still be
low due to cellular perturbation from the selection process.
Furthermore, there are new demands for a wider array of
selection capabilities for stem cells/iPSCs, organoids, adherent cells, and rare cell types. The CellRaft Air System is
an integrated platform that encompasses imaging, tracking,
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 4 days post 9 days post
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 7
Figure 5. Timeline of Raji cell colony growth as an example of direct proof of track and trace functions
Economic Advantage of Cell Raft Technology versus Limiting dilution
Limiting Dilution CellRaft Technology
100 Clones 500 Clones 100 Clones 500 Clones
Cell Line Category Representative
Total CostUSD
on time
Hours Outgrowth
on time
on time
Production Cell Lines CHOK1 ; HEK293 9.4% to 30% $150-$446 4 to 12 $670-
18 to 56 96% $75 0.6 $225 1.2
Standard Cell Lines HeLa; C2C12; VERO 2.9% to 22% $187-$1341 5 to 36 $894-
24 to
66 to 90% $75 0.6 $224-
Cancer Cell Lines HT-1080; HT-29; K562;
4.7% to 30% $150-$900 4 to 23 $670-
18 to 111 75 to100% $75 0.6 $224-
Stem Cell Lines KYOU 5% $1480 21 $7409 105 96% $150 0.6 $433 1.2
Table 3: Side by side comparison to determine the savings in plastic, reagent, and media cost during the production of
either 100 or 500 clones from Limiting Dilution versus CellRaft Technology. *Outgrowth efficiency is used to measure
the number of colonies obtained from single cell deposits.
analysis, and automated isolation of verified monoclonal
cultures. It offers significant cost-saving, viability, and high
outgrowth advantages over other systems that require
additional space, equipment, and manual labor. The CellRaft
Air System is robust for numerous applications such as cell
line development, CRISPR gene editing, stem cell culture,
organoid development, and single-cell genomics, making it
ideal for a wide range of fields. Ultimately, this platform may
bring unparalleled benefits to the field by streamlining and
speeding the drug development process, helping to bring
drugs to market more rapidly.
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